Katherine Sartain’s Testimony: Working in Madrid

I am typing this from my apartment in Madrid, Spain, where I will be living and working until August 1st. And I cannot be more excited, to say the least.

Working in MadridMost people looked at me like a martian with a death wish when inquiring about my upcoming summer plans, given my success rate of a similar experience last summer. If not that, a subtle “Thats awesome, are your parents insane?” expression was a close second. Not that I can blame them, those I love want me to be safe, I get it.

The only people who didn’t even blink an eye at the suggestion? My parents. In fact, it was my mom who encouraged me to not let my one momentary lapse of judgment scare me into giving up on an experience abroad. Hearing that one of the most influential people in my life had faith in me to not be an idiot gave me the courage I needed to act, not just dream. My gratitude for my parents support and faith acts as an IV channeling fortitude into my head and heart. Thanks, you guys!

Working in Madrid

For the next two weeks I will be taking language classes in the mornings as a brief warm up and get-acclimated-to-this-strange-foreign-place phase. After that, it’s out into the real world as I begin work as a PR/Marketing intern for Vacaciones Singles, Easy Travel Connections S.L., a travel agency in the center of Madrid. If any of you are interested in doing something similar at some point, I highly advise you to check out BEST Programs, the program I am doing all of these activities through. It is “ideal for experiential and independent learners on a budget” and of all ages and cultures. They offer internship, au pair and teaching opportunities to people from all over the world. Again, definitely something to look at for all of you.

I arrived yesterday (Saturday) morning at 10 a.m. Madrid time. A man named Gagik from BEST picked me up from the airport. I still don’t know exactly where he’s from, but he was the nicest (and only) driver I’ve ever had. So far, the fellow international students in my apartment are very friendly and the city is as beautiful as I can remember. Jet lag still makes me question modern science, but that will abate in a few days.

Touristy pictures to come soon, and can also be found on my Facebook page. Cheers from across the pond!

Photo above: Puerta de Alcalá


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